Sunday, August 11, 2019

Answer a question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Answer a question - Essay Example Similarly, Andrews and Karlin purports that metacognition is the way an individual is aware of what they know and what they do not know. Moreover, it is also known as the knowledge and the control an individual has over his own learning, thinking, and how he analyzes his thought processes (Andrews & Karlin, 2002) (page 29 Line 1 to 4). Evidently, metacognition is related to thinking, especially when one is analyzing their thought process of not understanding a concept as well as the ability of communicating ones lack of understanding. For instance, in a science lesson a deaf student who reads, in English, a science section of black holes who shows excellent metacognition strategies that are associated to thinking. Then using American Sign Language (ASL) the students informs the teacher his lack of understanding the concept of black holes. Consequently, the teacher then provides an explanation in ASL to the student. The student also uses English text and employs translation together w ith code switching strategies. As such the student is demonstrating metacognitive awareness in informing the teacher that he does not understand. Moreover, he is thinking together with analyzing his thought processes of not comprehending the concept of black holes and shows the ability to communicate that he does not understand (Andrews & Karlin, 2002) (Page 29 line 3 to 12). On the other hand, metacognition is also related to reading skills. Mostly, the strategies that are normally used in reading include meta-comprehension and metalinguistic awareness skills. Meta-comprehension is the readers’ awareness and control over their own comprehension. For example, a skilled deaf reader knows how to approach a text, locate an important piece of information, and also how to summarize important points and organize information as well as how to make wise decisions on how to best process the reading task. In addition, good deaf readers also set a purpose for reading, make predictions w ith regard to the meaning, form good hypothesis, form mental judgments, monitor their understanding as they read, use prior knowledge effectively, fix a difficulty when it arises, and realize the variety of strategies they can employ after the comprehension breakdown (Andrews & Karlin, 2002) (Page 29 lines 32 to 45). On the other hand, the least skilled deaf readers will tend to rely on the pictures, do not have the ability over the text, misunderstand the text, have limited strategies and tend to get frustrated easily and give in the process (Andrews & Karlin, 2002) (Page 30 lines 1 to 3). Moreover, Andrews and Mason claims that metacognitive skills increase the reading comprehension of the underachieving readers. For instance, although teaching metacognitive comprehension strategies does not automatically guarantee successful reading comprehension among the deaf students, effective instructional approaches will enable the deaf students to use the strategies as a tool to comprehend English texts (Andrews & Mason, 1991) (Page 544 lines 41 to 50). Better readers normally possess good metacognitive strategy and they are also interested in reading as compared to the poor readers (Baker & Beall, 2009) (Page 381, line 8 to 11). Personal experience After knowing the effectiveness of the metacognition

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